Frequently Asked Questions.

Here are some common questions I am often asked.

Get in touch if you have any other questions not answered here.

What is WordPress maintenance, and why do I need it?

WordPress maintenance refers to the ongoing tasks required to keep a WordPress website functioning smoothly, securely, and up-to-date. These tasks typically include updating the WordPress core software, themes, and plugins, backing up the website regularly, monitoring for security vulnerabilities, and optimising performance.

Here are some key aspects of WordPress maintenance and why they are important:

  1. Software Updates: WordPress regularly releases updates to its core software, themes, and plugins. These updates often include bug fixes, security patches, and new features. By keeping your WordPress installation and its components up-to-date, you ensure that your website remains secure, stable, and compatible with the latest web standards and browsers.
  2. Security: As it is the most popular website platform on the web by a long distance, WordPress is naturally a popular target for hackers and malware attacks due to its widespread usage. Regular maintenance helps safeguard your website against security threats by promptly applying security patches, implementing security best practices, and using security plugins to monitor for suspicious activity.
  3. Performance Optimisation: Over time, a WordPress website may accumulate unnecessary files, database entries, and other elements that can slow down its performance. Regular maintenance involves tasks such as optimising images, cleaning up the database, and implementing caching mechanisms to ensure that your website loads quickly and provides a smooth user experience.
  4. Backup and Disaster Recovery: Regularly backing up your WordPress website is essential in case of data loss, server failures, or security breaches. Maintenance tasks should include setting up automated backups of both the website files and the database, and storing backups securely off-site.
  5. Content Updates: Keeping your website’s content fresh and relevant is important for engaging visitors and maintaining search engine rankings. Regular maintenance may involve updating existing content, adding new pages or blog posts/news articles, and monitoring comments and user-generated content.
  6. Monitoring and Analytics: Monitoring your website’s performance and visitor behaviour allows you to identify issues, track progress, and make data-driven decisions to improve the user experience. Maintenance tasks may include setting up website analytics, monitoring website uptime and downtime, and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as page load times and conversion rates.

Overall, WordPress maintenance is essential for ensuring the security, performance, and reliability of your website. By staying proactive and regularly performing maintenance tasks, you can minimise the risk of security breaches, downtime, and other issues that could negatively impact your online presence.

What services does The WordPress Guy offer?

The WordPress Guy offers a range of services designed to keep WordPress websites secure, up-to-date, and running smoothly. Here are some of my popular services:

  1. WordPress Core Updates: Regularly updating the WordPress core software to the latest version to ensure security patches, bug fixes, and new features are implemented.
  2. Theme Updates: Updating WordPress themes to the latest versions to maintain compatibility with the WordPress core and ensure security and performance enhancements.
  3. Plugin Updates: Updating WordPress plugins to the latest versions to fix bugs, address security vulnerabilities, and take advantage of new features.
  4. Security Monitoring and Malware Scanning: Monitoring for security threats, malware infections, and suspicious activity, and taking proactive measures to protect the website.
  5. Backup and Restore: Setting up automated backups of website files and databases and providing options for restoring backups in case of data loss or website compromise.
  6. Performance Optimisation: Optimising website performance by implementing caching mechanisms, optimising images and scripts, and identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks.
  7. Uptime Monitoring: Monitoring website uptime and downtime and taking immediate action to address any issues that may arise.
  8. Security Enhancements: Implementing security best practices such as strong password policies, two-factor authentication, and security headers to enhance website security.
  9. Content Updates: Assisting with updating website content, adding new pages or blog posts, and ensuring that content is optimised for SEO.
  10. WordPress Training and WordPress Development Support: Providing training and support to website owners and administrators on how to use WordPress effectively, troubleshoot common issues, and make updates to the website.
  11. Website Analytics: Setting up website analytics tracking and providing reports on website traffic, visitor behaviour, and other key metrics.
  12. Site Performance Reporting: Providing regular reports on website performance, security status, backup status, and other relevant metrics to keep website owners informed.

These are just some examples of the services that The WordPress Guy can offer. My services are dependent on the care plan you choose, or I are always happy to discuss bespoke care plans or one-off services.

How do I know if my website needs maintenance?

There are several signs that can indicate your website may be in need of maintenance:

  1. Outdated Software: If you haven’t updated your WordPress core software, themes, or plugins in a while, it’s a sign that your website may need maintenance. Outdated software can lead to security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues.
  2. Slow Performance: If your website is loading slowly or experiencing frequent downtime, it could be a sign that it needs maintenance. Slow performance can be caused by various factors, including outdated software, bloated code, or server issues.
  3. Security Warnings: If you receive security warnings from your web hosting provider, browser, or security tools, it’s a clear sign that your website may be compromised or vulnerable to attacks. Security warnings can indicate issues such as malware infections, outdated software, or weak passwords.
  4. Broken Links or Errors: If visitors encounter broken links, missing pages, or error messages when trying to access your website, it indicates that something may be wrong with your website. Broken links and errors can occur due to various reasons, including outdated software or misconfigured settings.
  5. Drop in Traffic or Rankings: If you notice a sudden drop in website traffic or search engine rankings, it could be a sign that your website needs maintenance. Changes in traffic or rankings can be caused by factors such as outdated content, technical issues, or security problems.
  6. Poor User Experience: If visitors are complaining about usability issues, difficulty navigating your website, or encountering errors, it’s a sign that your website may need maintenance. A poor user experience can drive visitors away and negatively impact your online reputation.
  7. Outdated Content: If your website’s content is outdated or no longer relevant, it’s a sign that your website may need maintenance. Regularly updating content keeps your website fresh, engaging, and optimised for search engines.
  8. Lack of Backups: If you don’t have regular backups of your website files and database, it’s a sign that your website may need maintenance. Backups are essential for disaster recovery and protecting your website against data loss.

If you notice any of these signs or are unsure about the state of your website, get in touch with me to discuss implementing a regular maintenance plan to keep your website secure, up-to-date, and running smoothly.

What are the benefits of regular WordPress maintenance?

Regular WordPress maintenance offers several benefits, including:

  1. Enhanced Security: Keeping your WordPress core software, themes, and plugins up-to-date helps protect your website against security vulnerabilities and exploits. Regular maintenance also involves implementing security best practices and monitoring for suspicious activity, reducing the risk of security breaches and malware infections.
  2. Improved Performance: Regular maintenance includes optimizing website performance by cleaning up unnecessary files, optimising images, implementing caching mechanisms, and addressing performance bottlenecks. This results in faster page load times, better user experience, and improved search engine rankings.
  3. Reduced Downtime: By proactively monitoring your website for issues such as server errors, broken links, and database corruption, regular maintenance helps minimise downtime and ensures that your website remains accessible to visitors.
  4. Backup and Disaster Recovery: Regularly backing up your website files and database ensures that you have a reliable backup in case of data loss, server failures, or security breaches. This provides peace of mind and allows for quick recovery in the event of a disaster.
  5. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): Regularly updating your website’s content, optimising metadata, and ensuring that your website follows SEO best practices can help improve your search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your website.
  6. Improved User Experience: A well-maintained website provides a better user experience for visitors, with faster page load times, fewer errors, and up-to-date content. This can lead to higher engagement, increased time spent on your website, and higher conversion rates.
  7. Cost Savings: Regular maintenance helps prevent costly security breaches, downtime, and data loss by addressing issues proactively. Investing in maintenance upfront can save you money in the long run by avoiding the need for expensive emergency fixes or website rebuilds.
  8. Professional Reputation: A well-maintained website reflects positively on your brand and professionalism. It instils trust in your visitors and customers, enhances your online reputation, and helps you stand out from competitors.

Overall, regular WordPress maintenance is essential for ensuring the security, performance, and reliability of your website. By staying proactive and performing routine maintenance tasks, you can protect your investment, maximise your website’s potential, and achieve your online goals more effectively.

What is included in your care plans?

The exact services included, depends on which care plan you choose. Here are a selection of service offered across my care plans:

  1. WordPress Core Updates: Regular updates to the WordPress core software to ensure security patches, bug fixes, and new features are applied promptly.
  2. Theme and Plugin Updates: Updates to WordPress themes and plugins to maintain compatibility, security, and performance.
  3. Security Monitoring and Malware Scanning: Ongoing monitoring for security threats, malware infections, and suspicious activity, along with proactive measures to protect the website.
  4. Backup and Restore: Automated backups of website files and databases, along with options for restoring backups in case of data loss or website compromise.
  5. Performance Optimisation: Optimisation of website performance through techniques such as caching, image optimisation, and code minification to ensure fast loading times and smooth user experience.
  6. Uptime Monitoring: Monitoring of website uptime and downtime, with immediate action taken to address any issues that may arise and minimise downtime.
  7. Security Enhancements: Implementation of security best practices such as strong password policies, two-factor authentication, and security headers to enhance website security.
  8. Content Updates: Assistance with updating website content, adding new pages or blog posts, and ensuring that content is optimised for search engines.
  9. Technical Support: Access to technical support for troubleshooting issues, answering questions, and providing guidance on managing your WordPress website.
  10. Website Analytics: Setup of website analytics tracking and provision of reports on website traffic, visitor behaviour, and other key metrics.
  11. Site Performance Reporting: Regular reports on website performance, security status, backup status, and other relevant metrics to keep you informed about the health of your website.

You can find more specific details on the Plans and Pricing page.


Do you provide security updates and malware removal?

Yes. Security updates, software patches and malware removal are all provided under my care plans. However, I do not offer these services by way of one-off response or recovery. My care plans should not be thought of or used as a fix to an existing problem, but instead, protection against the problem happening and recovery of your site should our protection ever fail.

I am always happy to discuss existing difficulties or compromised websites and offer a price quotation for one-off maintenance or recovery.

How often will you back up my website, and where are backups stored?

Depending on which Care plan you subscribe to, I will back up your entire website and database monthly, daily or hourly.

Further details on the plans and pricing page

What happens if my website goes down or experiences an issue?

I operate a tiered priority for support based on your care plan and the issue being experienced. Generally, a full site outage will be investigated as an emergency within 2 hours response (I’m almost always much quicker and often within minutes). Less important issues that don’t seriously affect your visitors or your business will have a maximum 2 business days response time (again, almost always much quicker).

Do you offer support for WordPress plugin and theme updates?

Yes. These are covered in all care plans.

How do I sign up for your maintenance plans, and what is the process?

Signing up and subscribing to one of my care plans couldn’t be simpler: –

  1. Choose your plan from the plans and pricing page, or give me a shout if you’re unsure of the best plan for your needs.
  2. Click the “subscribe” button under your chosen care plan
  3. Enter your contact and payment details to set up your subscription, then pat yourself on the back for making an awesome decision.
  4. I’ll send you a welcome email confirming your subscription, along with a guide to adding an Admin account to your WordPress dashboard to allow me access.
  5. Once you’ve successfully added my Admin account to your site, I’ll take it from there and hitch up your site to my secure management system and carry out an initial analysis and update/optimisation of your site. As well as setting up your maintenance schedule, backup schedule and monitoring/protection etc.
Can I cancel or change my plan at any time?

Yes. You can cancel my services at any time by giving me 1-month notice in writing/email. Plan upgrades can be made at any time by simply letting me know. Downgrades requested will be made at your next plan renewal.

It should be noted, however, that after our 15-day money back trial period has ended, we do not offer refunds for any remaining plan coverage period.

Do you offer discounts for multiple websites or long-term contracts?

Yes. If you own more than one website and signup to the professional or premier plans, get in touch, and we’ll be happy to arrange a discounted “add-on” plan for your other websites.

What sets The WordPress Guy apart from other maintenance providers?

I’m a small business and pride myself on genuinely building a friendly, professional relationship with all of my clients and a personal approach with a human face. I have a genuine belief that your success is my success as part of your team.

Are there any hidden fees or additional charges?

Absolutely not. The price of your care plan is the price you pay, nothing else.  If you ever need me to do anything outwith and additional to your care plan, I’ll be completely upfront, transparent and clearly explain the cost of these additional services.

Can you help with website migrations or hosting setup?

Yes. I’m always happy to offer advice or recommendations, answer any questions or assist with hosting setup/migrations etc.

I also offer my own fully managed, professional WordPress hosting as a value add-on for clients subscribing to any of my Care Plans.

Is there a limit to the number of support requests I can make each month?

No. If you need support, I’m here for you. There is a limit to any included care plan developer time you use during the month to make changes to your site. But if you ever go over your allotted developer time, I’ll explain this to you and give you the choice of postponing the work until your next monthly developer time resets. Or have me do the work at a discounted additional rate.

How can I contact you if I have questions or need assistance?

You can contact me at any time via email, my contact page, or by sending me a message via our messenger in your WordPress dashboard.